
Instagram Lite receives a dedicated “REEL” tab

Instagram Lite, a photo-sharing app run by Facebook, announced on Wednesday that its users will now be capable to enter the ‘Reels’ for ‘Only Watch’ purpose.

The new addition makes Instagram’s lite version a little more useful for those with low space or hardware to get the usual program on their devices.

Formerly, Instagram Lite was published for testing back in June 2018 in November, but the service went offline last year in May and was reintroduced in September.

This new update will help users on the Reels tab to view popular short-format videos. Users of Instagram Lite would not be able to ‘CREATE’ Reels on the app, though.

You can now download the new update from the Play Store and watch Reels on the website if you are using the Instagram Lite app on your smartphone.

It is crucial to understand that the current update does not allow new reels to be produced by Instagram Lite users, which is something you can get on the normal Instagram version. Instead, they’ll just get access to the dedicated tab to ONLY watch Reels.